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Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E09 From Passive to Active: Advancing Governance for Scalable Marine Restoration

innovative solutions for marine restoration in five different environments, from the high-Arctic Svalbard to the Madeira archipelago....

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E08 with FutureLakes: Integrating Innovations for the Protection and Restoration of European Lakes

innovative solutions for marine restoration in five different environments, from the high-Arctic Svalbard to the Madeira archipelago....

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E07 Harnessing Nature’s Power: Unleashing Passive Restoration Potential

innovative solutions for marine restoration in five different environments, from the high-Arctic Svalbard to the Madeira archipelago....

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E06 with PHAROS: Citizen Science and Stakeholder Engagement

This webinar explores the importance of focusing on stranded marine litter and highlights the advantages of small-scale, simple approaches. It address...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E05 with BIOEAST

innovative solutions for marine restoration in five different environments, from the high-Arctic Svalbard to the Madeira archipelago....

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E04: Ocean Literacy and Citizen Science

REGIONS Atlantic and Arctic Sea basins KEYWORDS Ocean literacy DATE December 4, 2024, from 2 to 3 pm CET Register here Watch on Youtube Overview Progr...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E03 on Cleaning the Arctic: Uncovering the Scale, Scope and Sources of Marine Litter Pollution in the Remote North

This webinar explores the importance of focusing on stranded marine litter and highlights the advantages of small-scale, simple approaches. It address...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E02: Pathways to Funding in Blue Economy

REGIONS Atlantic and Arctic Sea basins KEYWORDS Blue economy projects funding DATE November 13, 2024, from 2 to 3 pm CET Register here Watch on Youtub...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E01 with Blue Azores: From the definition to the implementation of a network of Marine Protected Areas

This webinar explores the focuses on the revision of the Azores Marine Protected Areas Network (RAMPA) and details the scientific, legal, and stakehol...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E16 with Blue4All

BLUE4ALL – Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E15 with Wavelinks

Wavelinks, a new platform designed to map the research and innovation landscape of Mission Ocean...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E14 with EDITO

This webinar will showcase the successful centralization of EMODnet and demonstrate how to find and download the data products of EMODnet. In additio...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E13 with OTTERS

OTTERS, an EU Mission Ocean project, views citizen science as an excellent tool for fostering citizen engagement and stewardship of marine and freshwa...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E12 with Bauhaus of the Seas

This webinar will cover the concept and vision of the project and BoS regenerative development in coastal areas, blending aesthetics, inclusion, and s...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E11 with MERCES and REDRESS

Professor Roberto Danovaro will discuss ecosystem restoration efforts that have expanded rapidly in multiple marine habitats. The availability of new ...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E10 with Restore4Life

Restore4Life is part of the Danube & Black Sea Lighthouse within the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”. It showcases the remarkabl...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E09 with C-FAARER

C-FAARER aims to address aspects of commercially-driven aquaculture in the Atlantic and Arctic Sea basin and recommend strategies to address key issue...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E08 on restoration of degraded coastal habitats

Join us and participate in an enriching webinar with Rune Steinfurth that will guide us through the topic of marine restoration of degraded coastal ha...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E07 with Irish Ocean Literacy Network

Explore the initiatives aimed at achieving an Ocean Literate society across the island of Ireland, which the IOLN has developed since 2016 when it sta...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E06 with EEA Grants Blue Growth Programme

This programme aims to enhance value creation and sustainable growth in the Portuguese blue economy. Additionally, it aims to increase research and pr...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E05 with MAELSTROM

MAELSTROM designs, manufactures, and integrates scalable, replicable, and automated technologies with renewable energy to identify, remove, sort, and ...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E04 with Marine SABRES

The Marine SABRES, a European Union-funded research project, seeks to conserve biodiversity and promote a resilient blue economy. ...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E03 with BlueMissionBANOS

BlueMission BANOS brings together local, regional, and national actors from the North and Baltic Sea regions to collaborate towards creating a more ca...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E02 with MPA Europe

MPA Europe will map the optimal locations for Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in European seas. Using a holistic range of measures that include the range...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S02E01 with DALIA

DALIA is a lighthouse project focusing on the Danube River basin and freshwater. As an Innovation Action, it supports the new EU Mission Restore our O...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E06 with A-AAGORA

A-AAGORA Innovation Action (IA): Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems A...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E05 with EcoDaLLi

The EcoDaLLi CSA is funded under the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 (Mission Ocean). Starting in 2023, seventeen partners and one as...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E04 with PREP4BLUE

PREP4BLUE is preparing the ground for the involvement of European citizens and stakeholders in the Mission Ocean & Waters, by developing the tools, me...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E03 with OCEAN CITIZEN

OCEAN CITIZEN is a multidisciplinary approach integrating science and society in marine forest regeneration for ocean management and protection...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E02 with REMEDIES

REMEDIES is an Horizon Europe innovation Action creating innovative solutions and technologies to monitor, collect, prevent and valorise (micro)plasti...

Weekly hour
Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E01 with CLIMAREST

innovative solutions for marine restoration in five different environments, from the high-Arctic Svalbard to the Madeira archipelago....

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