Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E06 with A-AAGORA


 Troms Archipelago, Norway; Cork County, Ireland; and Centro Region, Portugal.


Cooperation for marine and coastal ecosystems restoration


September 27, 2023,
from 2 to 3 pm CET


On September 27, 2023, 2-3 PM CET, we learned more about the restoration and decabornisation solutions developed by the A-AAGORA Innovation Action (IA): Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems And Increased Climate Resilience Through Transformative Innovation

The A-AAGORA IA is funded under the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 (Mission Ocean and Waters). Having started on November 2022 with a duration of 48 months, 30 partners, from 8 EU countries, A-AAGORA will demonstrate how innovation, Ecosystem-based Management and Nature-based Solutions can contribute to sustainable transformation in three coastal areas: Troms Archipelago, Norway; Cork County, Ireland; and Centro Region, Portugal.

These three Demos will serve as pilots of innovative actions, providing important data from the Atlantic-Arctic Lighthouse that can advance global ocean science and direct research in other coastal and marine regions., which will be replicated in up to 7 Associated Regions.


Blueprint for Atlantic-Arctic Agora on cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience through transformative innovation

Live Stream on YouTube

September 27, 2023, Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S01E04 with A-AAGORA

Relevant links

A-AAGORA Website

A-AAGORA Innovation Action (IA): Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems And Increased Climate Resilience Through Transformative Innovation