BlueMissionAA’s aim is to support the R&I goals of the ‘Mission: Restore our Ocean & Waters by 2030’ and facilitate its successful implementation, through the development of tools, resources and guidelines to be used by stakeholders on all Mission funded projects.
The aim of the BlueMissionAA Helpdesk is to provide stakeholders with access to the project’s bank of resources and experts.
An innovative and interactive database to help you identify projects, citizen science initiatives, stakeholders, engagement methods, events, services, policies and funding opportunities!
As part of EMDInMyCountry, BlueMissionAA developed an BlueMissionAA Booklet tailored for our younger generation. This educational resource dives deep into Marine Protected Areas, ocean habitats, and how to help ocean restoration and conservation.
Recordings from the BlueMissionAA webinar series
Prepared by PREP4BLUE to help you, our partners, grow your digital media skills and capacities.
Developed by PREP4BLUE to upskill project teams on best practice social media and digital skills.
Contains approaches, case studies and practical advice for driving citizen engagement with your Mission project actions.
Your go-to guide, offering short, detailed explanations for common terms used in the framework of the project.
A space to foster community, promote matchmaking, and showcase best practices enhancing collaboration opportunities.
Dive into the repository of innovative solutions and tools, and discover the projects supporting Mission Ocean and Waters.
If you have any questions about the implementation of your BlueMissionAA project, fell free to ask our panel of experts for advice using the contact form below.
Atlantic International Research Centre
Geographic area of activity:
Areas of expertise:
Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Blue Economy
Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) expert devoted to improving global ocean management and health. My passion lies in:
Institute of Polar Sciences – Italian National Research Council
Geographic area of activity:
Mediterranean Sea, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
Areas of expertise:
Organic Geochemistry, Climate Change, Pollution
Tommaso Tesi is a researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP-CNR) in Bologna. Dr. Tesi’s research focuses on Climate Change and Carbon Cycle in both the present and the past, specifically in mid- and high-latitude regions.
He has been awarded two Marie Curie fellowships to work at Oregon State University (USA) and Stockholm University (Sweden).
He is a member of the Editorial Board of Marine Chemistry and serves as the Italian representative and member of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Marine Working Group.
He has also served as chairman at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting in Vienna (Austria) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco (USA).
Dr. Tesi has participated in 17 oceanographic expeditions in the Mediterranean Sea and Polar Oceans, accounting for over 200 days of at-sea activities.
Institute of Polar Sciences – Italian National Research Council
Geographic area of activity:
North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Southern Ocean, Antarctica
Areas of expertise:
Geochemistry, Paleoclimate reconstruction, Ocean acidification, Shallow- and deep-water corals, Biomineralization
Paolo Montagna is Researcher Director at the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP-CNR) in Bologna with interests in the geochemistry of biogenic carbonates for palaeoclimate reconstructions and biomineralization studies.
He obtained his PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Padova (Italy) in collaboration with the Australian National University. He was awarded a three-year post-doctoral Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship, for which he spent two years at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University and one year at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement in Gif-sur-Yvette.
His research focuses on the development and application of geochemical proxies to address fundamental problems in paleoceanography and to improve our understanding of the calcification mechanisms in biogenic carbonates. This includes the analysis of minor and trace elements, as well as stable (11 B/ 10 B) and radiogenic ( 143 Nd/ 144 Nd, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, 230 Th/U) isotopes in shallow and deep-water coral skeletons.
He has participated in 24 oceanographic missions (two as Chief-Scientist and one as Co-chief Scientist) to the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Ross Sea off Antarctica. He has also been involved in several SCUBA diving expeditions worldwide.
Marine Institute
Geographic area of activity:
Areas of expertise:
Governance++, Fishery sustainability studies, Fishery audits, Risk assessments
Oliver Wilson is BlueMissionAA Programmes Manager at the Marine Institute, Ireland. Oliver primarily works on BlueMissionAA WP 1 – Mission governance and implementation in the Atlantic & Artic. Additionally he is involved in working on the implementation of the Atlantic Strategy through his role with Pillar IV: Healthy ocean and resilient coasts. His work focuses on:
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Center
ARNET – Aquatic Research Network
Geographic area of activity:
Areas of expertise:
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, Environmental Risk, Biotechnology and Resource Valorisation
Marine physiologist and ecotoxicologist with some research focus on the study of ecological, biochemical and molecular fingerprints in marine organisms under different environmental and anthropogenic stresses, namely contaminants, climate change and biotic stresses and how these can be used as phenotyping tools, ecotoxicological biomarkers and in biotechnological applications.
Geographic area of activity:
Areas of expertise:
Harmful Algal Blooms & Marine Toxins
I completed a PhD degree in Biology & Ecology from the University of Lisbon in 2006.
Currently, I’m Principal Researcher in the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA) and I’m mainly interested in studying harmful algal blooms and the transfer of marine toxins in the food web, characterization of the toxins and their fate and toxicological potential in the marine/estuarine environments.
You can ask our panel of experts for advice using this form.
Our team will strive to respond to your query as quickly as possible.
We inform you that your personal data will be processed by AIR Centre, in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 requirements. Any information you provide will be used exclusively within the framework of the BlueMissionAA Project, and will not be used for commercial purposes and will not be sold, rented, leased or forwarded to any third party. Your data will be kept at least for three years after the end of the BlueMissionAA Project (expected by October 2025). You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability, and limitation of the processing of your data by contacting AIR Centre, TERINOV Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Ilha Terceira – Canada de Belém S/N Terra Chã – 9700-702 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal,or, attaching a copy of your ID to properly verify your identity.