Atlantic and Arctic Sea basins
Marine governance
Marine protection and restoration
February 12, 2025,
from 2 to 3.30 pm CET

The objective of the Expert Panel is to contribute to developing specific governance options for effectively managing the Atlantic and Arctic Lighthouse in terms of marine ecosystem and biodiversity protection and restoration. The Expert Panel has an important role supporting BlueMissionAA Work Package 1 – Mission governance and implementation in the Atlantic and Arctic to support the development of specific options for effective governance for the Atlantic and Arctic Lighthouse in terms of marine ecosystem and biodiversity protection and restoration.
Introduction to the meeting, objectives, and key outcomes expected.
Overview of Marine Governance Challenges:
- Recap key insights from the BlueMission Atlantic & Arctic Expert Panel.
- Highlight the importance of causal loops in understanding governance dynamics.
Overview of BlueMissionAA process: Highlight the importance of causal loops in understanding governance dynamics.
Three causal maps will be presented in the following order: 1) Local, 2) National, and 3) Regional. The aim is to discuss the causal maps and conceptual strawman governance structures at different geographic levels.
The approach involves presenting each causal map and associated strawman governance structure on an interactive whiteboard. Attendees will collaborate and refine causal relationships, identify priorities, and explore opportunities and threats.
- Key questions:
- Feedback on causal maps
- Feedback on whether strawman governance structures address the casual maps observations
Plenary Discussion: Insights, Action Points and Closing Remarks and Next Steps
- Facilitators: Workshop leaders will present group findings.
- Key Outcomes:
- Shared themes and unique challenges in passive and active restoration governance.
- Highlight successful strategies identified in causal loop diagrams.
- Discuss actionable recommendations for improving governance in both restoration approaches
Closing Remarks and Next Steps
- Summarize key insights from the webinar.
- Outline next steps, including sharing a synthesis report with participants.
- Provide details of upcoming BlueMission events or initiatives.

Oliver Wilson
Oliver Wilson is BlueMissionAA Programmes Manager at the Marine Institute, Ireland. Oliver primarily works on BlueMissionAA WP 1 – Mission governance and implementation in the Atlantic & Artic. Additionally he is involved in working on the implementation of the Atlantic Strategy through his role with Pillar IV: Healthy ocean and resilient coasts.
His work focuses on:
- promoting effective policy and governance frameworks, supported by realistic implementation practices;
- fostering collaboration amongst stakeholders;
- providing pragmatic advice addressing current challenges and embracing opportunities including the development of and associated management of strategic projects supporting the development of resilient future focussed solutions.
- establishing business and research opportunities to achieve pragmatic end-user focussed outcomes.

Sebastian Kopf
Sebastian Maria Karl Heinrich KOPF is advisor at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and contributes to the EU-funded BlueMissionAA project, focusing on diverse structural governance contexts of marine and coastal restoration in the Atlantic and Arctic regions.
His work focuses on:
- advancing governance frameworks to support ecosystem restoration.
- bridging knowledge gaps and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.
- developing scalable, sustainable solutions for marine restoration challenges.
With a Master’s degree in Law of the Sea from UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Sebastian brings expertise in ocean governance and marine conservation. Before joining NIVA and BlueMissionAA, Sebastian led big-scale sustainability initiatives with the United Nations and worked on national and international Arctic educational programs.
February 12, 2025, Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E07 - Workshop 1. Harnessing Nature’s Power: Unleashing Passive Restoration Potential