Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E08 with FutureLakes: Integrating Innovations for the Protection and Restoration of European Lakes


Atlantic and Arctic Sea basins


Lake restoration


February 19, 2025,
from 2 to 3 pm CET


The FutureLakes project aims to transform lake restoration and management across Europe. The project demonstrates innovations in nature-based, circular economy and biodiversity focused solutions at 6 large demonstration lakes. FutureLakes will establish a blueprint for effective lake management that contributes to the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” objectives (to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity; to reduce pollution; and to build a sustainable carbon-neutral and circular blue economy). In addition, FutureLakes aims to enhance public engagement and mobilisation in lake restoration and deliver a prototype European Lakes Digital Innovation Hub and a roadmap for upscaling innovative solutions across Europe. Coordinated by NIVA, FutureLakes involves 10 partners from nine countries, working together with 3 sister projects, to restore the health and value of lakes in Europe.



Welcome, Valerie de Liedekerke, BlueMissionAA / AIR Centre


Introduction to the FutureLakes project: Integrating Innovations for the Protection and Restoration of European Lakes, Maeve McGovern, NIVA


Q&A moderated by Valerie de Liedekerke, BlueMissionAA / AIR Centre



Maeve MacGovern

Maeve McGovern is a research scientist based in Tromsø, Norway and is project manager for the
FutureLakes project.


Live Stream on YouTube

February 19, 2025, Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour S03E08 with FutureLakes

Relevant links

FutureLakes Website

The project FutureLakes transforms European lake restoration.