MISSION OCEAN Coordination Project



Carbon-neutral & circular economy

Targeting the development of sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular Blue economy in the Baltic and North Sea basin

BlueMissionBANOS inspires, engages and supports stakeholders across the Baltic and North Sea to reach a carbon-neutral & circular blue economy.

BlueMissionBANOS facilitates the development of a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy in the Baltic and North Sea by connecting national, regional, and transnational actors from policy, industry, science and the public, creating a conducive governance model to innovation.

While fostering the transition towards the blue economy, BlueMissionBANOS will also support preventing and eliminating water pollution and protecting and restoring marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.

In the next three years, BlueMissionBANOS will work to reduce governance fragmentation, facilitate evidence-based decision making and foster citizen engagement across the BANOS area.
These support actions will increase awareness, showcase opportunities, and inspire stakeholders to actively contribute to preserving the Oceans, Seas and Waters until 2030 and beyond.

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